
Pricing & Passes

Registration this year is through our registration provider, Fienta. Check out the list of passes below, and then


You may want to print out the festival schedule and look at it along with the list of passes below. Pay special attention to what an event is called–workshop, milonga, lecture, etc.–in order to know if it’s included in the pass you are looking at.

If you are interested in being able to add individual milongas, you must buy one of the passes in the chart below. Because of limited fire capacity in the main milonga venue, we can’t allow single milonga purchases, except for people already attending the festival as pass-holders.

PassEarly Bird (By 4/15)Pre-Registration (By 5/15)At the door
All Access Pass: Includes all festival activities600650700
Almost Everything Pass: Includes all activities except the 4-class seminar with Ines & Corina500550600
4-Class Seminar with Ines & Corina Pass: Seminar of 4 workshops for int/adv dancers: “Un Homenaje a Anibal Troilo,” taught by Ines & Corina170190210
Milongas, Practicas, Concert, Lectures + 4 Workshops Pass: All social dances, live music lectures and the concert, and choice of 4 workshops400450500
Milongas & Practicas Pass: All milongas & practicas220240260
Technique Pass: 3 technique workshops (Sat. through Mon. at 12 pm)110120130
Concert & Lectures Pass: Concert & 2 live music lectures100120140
Beginner Pass: 4 beginner workshops, plus all milongas, practicas, concert and live music lectures. Also includes the technique workshops.160180200
Beginner Track: 4 Beginner workshops.100120140
Friday Pass: All Friday activities.180190200
Saturday Pass: All Saturday activities, except the Ines & Corina seminar.180190200
Sunday Pass: All Sunday activities, except the Ines & Corina seminar.180190200
Monday Pass: All Monday activities, except the Ines & Corina seminar.180190200
Single workshop455055
Single beginner workshop354045
Single practica252730
Single concert or lecture354045
Single milonga (Can only be purchased by those who buy a festival pass, any festival pass)**556065


Full-time students may use the code “FTstudent” to access a 20% discount off festival activities.

A small number of need-based scholarships may also be available. Email Meredith to inquire. Please also consider volunteering in exchange for free festival entrance!